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Escapes markdown characters, necessary to display markdown (as done for firefish)

>>> escape_markdown("*bold*")
Source code in fediverse_pasture_inputs/
def escape_markdown(text):
    """Escapes markdown characters, necessary to display markdown (as done for firefish)

    >>> escape_markdown("*bold*")


    if text is None:
        return "-"

    text = text.replace("`", "\\`")
    text = text.replace("*", "\\*")
    text = text.replace("_", "\\_")
    text = text.replace("[", "\\[")
    text = text.replace("]", "\\]")
    return text

format_as_json(data, small=False)

Displays a dictionary as pretty printed json.

>>> format_as_json({"x": 1})
    style="line-height:1;">  "x": 1</pre><pre


Name Type Description Default

If true sets font-size to 75%.

Source code in fediverse_pasture_inputs/
def format_as_json(data: dict | None, small=False) -> List[str]:
    """Displays a dictionary as pretty printed json.

    >>> format_as_json({"x": 1})
        style="line-height:1;">  "x": 1</pre><pre

    :param small: If true sets font-size to 75%."""

    style = "line-height:1;"
    if small:
        style += "font-size:75%;"

    return [
            f"""<pre style="{style}">{sanitize_backslash(x)}</pre>"""
            for x in json.dumps(data, indent=2).split("\n")


Returns ✅ is item exists

>>> is_supported(None)

>>> is_supported({"type": "Note"})
Source code in fediverse_pasture_inputs/
def is_supported(item):
    Returns ✅ is item exists

    >>> is_supported(None)

    >>> is_supported({"type": "Note"})

    return "✅" if item else ""

pre_format(text, pre_wrap=False)

Escapes html text to pre formatted markdown

>>> pre_format(True)

>>> pre_format('<b>bold</b>\n<i>italic</i>')
Source code in fediverse_pasture_inputs/
def pre_format(text, pre_wrap=False):
    """Escapes html text to pre formatted markdown

    >>> pre_format(True)

    >>> pre_format('<b>bold</b>\\n<i>italic</i>')

    if text is None:
        return [""]
    if isinstance(text, bool):
        return ["true" if text else "false"]
    if isinstance(text, list):
        return sum((pre_format(x, pre_wrap=pre_wrap) for x in text), [])

    return ["".join(pre_wrapped(x, pre_wrap=pre_wrap) for x in text.split("\n"))]

pre_wrapped(x, pre_wrap)

>>> pre_wrapped("test", False)

>>> pre_wrapped("test", True)
'<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;">test</pre>'
Source code in fediverse_pasture_inputs/
def pre_wrapped(x, pre_wrap):

    >>> pre_wrapped("test", False)

    >>> pre_wrapped("test", True)
    '<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;">test</pre>'

    style = ' style="white-space: pre-wrap;"' if pre_wrap else ""

    return f"<pre{style}>{html.escape(x)}</pre>"


Returns the first element of a list, otherwise None

>>> safe_first_element([])

>>> safe_first_element(None)

>>> safe_first_element(["a", "b"])
Source code in fediverse_pasture_inputs/
def safe_first_element(item):
    """Returns the first element of a list, otherwise None

    >>> safe_first_element([])

    >>> safe_first_element(None)

    >>> safe_first_element(["a", "b"])

    if not item or not isinstance(item, list) or len(item) == 0:
        return None
    return item[0]